One Therm = 100,000 Btus
Vertical Scale = Dollars
Horizontal Scale = Type of Heater
The above graph shows the relative energy costs for using different types of swimming pool heaters including the SolarAttic solar pool heater. The costs shown above were the result of a 1988 energy cost study. It can be observed that operating a SolarAttic PCS1 solar pool heater provides the lowest cost to heat a swimming pool. One therm is equal to 100,000 Btus of energy. You can get an updated energy data and detailed easy to use energy templates with the Energy Efficient Swimming Pool Guide. With this New Pool Energy Guide, you can calculate the energy costs for heating your pool with any energy option available in your local area including those of solar pool heaters. The PCS3 and PCS2 have both maintained the low therm cost associated with the early PCS1.
The energy costs to operate a heat pump swimming pool heater are an estimated ten times higher than that of operating a SolarAttic attic solar pool heater. Therefore, the SolarAttic attic solar pool heater has an estimated payback period of 2-5 years when purchased instead of a pool heat pump heater. When compared to traditional fossil fuel pool heaters, the SolarAttic pool heater can pay for itself in as little as 1-3 years. Why pay for high energy costs each month when you have a great new solar alternative to that of traditional solar pool heater roof panels? SolarAttic offers SOLAR Without PANELS. With SolarAttic's third generation attic solar pool heater, you won't have solar panels spoiling your home and your neighborhood's street appeal.
Everything You Want To Know About Heating Swimming
Pools is FREE - right here - from SolarAttic!
WARNING: Operating a gas pool heater is expensive!
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